Today on the reserve

What a lovely day today, the reserve is looking splendid in the autumn sunshine Out and about today Gadwall - Shoveler - Teal - pair of Stock Doves sitting on one of the owl boxes little grebe- all from the Draper Hide Lagoon One - Swan - Cormorant - Heron - Pochard - Little Grebe - Tufted Duck Tern Hide - Little Grebe - Gadwall - Shoveler Teal - Cormorant - Heron - Black Headed Gulls - Lapwing in good numbers Male Pintail - Snipe - Green Sandpiper and a very nice Male Kingfisher on the Goalposts fishing and washing and generally providing some very nice close views, stayed around for quite a while Trails - Great tit - Robin - Cettis (heard) - BlackCap- Long Tailed Tit - Starlings on the pylons and wires Lapwing hide - I did not see the Glossy Ibis but another visitor reported a sighting, however a lovely Buzzard was sitting on the Goalposts in the sun until joined by one Magpie after another, when Magpies got to five Buzzard finally gave in and flew off - also close fly past of a Sparrowhawk - Snipe visible feeding in the grass - several Herons - Canada Geese - Teal