On the reserve 7/11/13

Another fantastic day at Rye Meads As I arrived it was clear there was some excitement i did not get as far as the visitor centre as i was told the Glossy Ibis had returned and was feeding in the meadow visible from the Lapwing Hide. So for hmmm - best part of the day very happily sat watching this fantastic bird, there were so many visitors also enjoying this as well,the bird moves around a lot feeding, seeming to prefer the area along the back fencing but on a couple of occasions flew nearer for some closer views- however there was also other things to see from this hide including herons, very smart looking Teal - Shoveler - Canada Geese - Snipe and also a Sparrowhawk flew over disturbing the gulls I did tear myself away from this hide to go for a walk around the reserve, there was lots to see, Tern Hide in particular had Swan - Black headed gull - lesser black backed gull - Cormorant - Male Pintail - Snipe - Lapwing - Pied wagtail - Shoveler- Teal - Gadwall - Tufted Duck -Green Sandpiper - Starlings were congregating on the wires up to around 200 occasionally all moving off and swirling around.Elsewhere around the reserve Pochard on Lagoon one - Kingfisher under the tree at the Kingfisher hide, also seen by another visitor on the goal posts at the tern hide. The trails were very busy lots of flocks of long tailed tits sometimes with blue tits with them , great tits - gold finches two views of Greater spotted woodpeckers one near the Kingfisher hide , one from the warbler hide, Some Redwing also spotted flying over, Cettis Warbler also heard and a very brief glimpse as it flew from one side of the path to the other, lovely walk round and there were plenty of visitors also enjoying the reserve to speak to, I did pay a final visit to the Lapwing hide later to see the Ibis again before i left, i hope it stays around.