So here I am on Monday evening after probably the longest weekend I have ever had the pleasure to do on the reserve and with about 1000 people through the doors there was a fantastic vibe about the place with the ultra rare Baillon's Crake and some glorious sunshine making the place hum with activity. Have a look at the forum post from Splatsworth to see what I mean.  The volunteers were on excellent form with some stellar stints in the Butts Hide and car park and reception and cafe vols kept everyone moving and well fed and watered while the Shop and Cafe Staff had busy days and helped me before and after hours to provide a little extra.

Also a huge thank you to the visiting birders who without exception behaved in an exemplary fashion and despite the disappointment of the Crake going missing for 14 hours on the Saturday still said thank you for staying open as they trooped off home.

The Butts Hide  ... room for all (Dave Morrison)

Saturday in the hide.... amazing how quiet people can be! (Dave Morrison)

Same view different day! (Roy Woodward)

Early morning car parking

...the little beauty in the early morning light (Shaun Harvey)

and these ones by Jono Lethbridge


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer