So you may remember that last October we were graced by the charming couple that are (and were) Phil and Doris.  They visited for a week and had a great time on the reserve where they did a bit of birding and lounged in the cafe and supped lattes and in Doris’ case, a box of red wine.  They even hired a bike and had a sneaky slide on the toddlers play area while no one was looking as well as stocking up early for Christmas from the shop.

Click here if you would like a recap of last years adventures

They promised that they would be back soon but unfortunately Phil took a tumble in the New Year and suffered  a serious discombobulation of the his right arm and leg which left him in limbo from a mobility point of view.

Thankfully he coped well with the pain and that smile seldom left his face and his disconnected limbs were never far from his side during the first stages of his recuperation.

Surgery was required from a specialist and Dr Tony O’Bones (RSVP, QI, PDQ, FAQ) was able to reattach both his arm and leg using artificially created ball joints in a long and complicated operation lasting 17 hours.  Phil remained awake throughout the whole procedure and his recovery was surprisingly swift given the severity of the separations.

Within a few weeks he was back on his little grey Vespa and zooming up and down the Bognor Regis seafront like he was only 102.

With his mobility restored they decided to make the most of life and headed out to New Zealand to visit the Great-great-great-great-great-great Grandchildren,  They loved it so much that they extended their stay to see the sites, count sheep, take part in a Haka and play with Kiwis on the beach before returning home just a few short weeks ago.

And so, today they were back in the cafe relaxing and after a chat both offered to help out over the half term and become volunteers so I expect that we shall be seeing a bit of them over the coming weeks.

I think that Phil may be heading for the photographic hide tomorrow if it is not already booked.

Bridget stopped by to give them a hand with the Chelmsford RSPB Group Christmas Quiz that is available from reception!

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

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