Our ever growing House Saprrow flock is now well past the 100 mark and yesterday they were all congregated in the hawthorns by the picnic tables before heading off to rampage along the river wall in search of seeds before returning for a session on the feeders.

Many of them are second brood youngsters and I suspect that some parents are on a third already!

Who would have thought that just seven years ago we were recording every individual Sparrow that we saw......!

How many??!!!!

and here is a nice male munching green Hemlock seeds!

No sign of Pepe Budgie since the weekend but nice views today of the first juvenile Marsh Harrier of the year through the marsh as well as Hobby, Peregrine, a few waders and huge number of insects that included Small Red Eyed Damselflies by the Purfleet Hide bridge and a Silver Washed Fritillary on nettles by the Ken Barrett HIde.... what will tomorrow hold in store?

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer