With so much rain I was not surprised to see the that the pond has partly filled back up in the Wildlife Garden but the holes are obviously still in the liner and it has begun to drop again so I am still sticking to my plan to infill the central core with top soil and create a bog garden.  As such there has been some more rescue attempts on what remains in the murk and the Harts re-homed qute a few waifs on Thursday including....

Well grown Smooth Newtlet.  It already has all four legs but you can just see the faethery gills above the frong right leg so not quite ready to spend time out of water yet.... (Mark Hart)

....and the Newtlet above will have to look out for the powerful expanding jaws of this dargonfly nymph lurking in the murk below! (Mark Hart)

...while this Caddis Fly larvae will spend its time hiding in its makeshift home of glued bits of stick and stone. (Mark Hart)

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer