Spring is slowly leaking into the country with little inklings of the huge build up of migrants that must be stuck in North Africa and southern Europe. Today saw the continued presence of a pair of Garganey along with a small flurry of Sand Martins, two Swallows, three Little Ringed Plovers, Sedge Warbler, Yellow Wagtail and a notable increase to 12 male Blackcaps. A small flock of Black-tailed Godwits and a single Golden Plover hinted at birds on the move to even more northern climes while our Lapwings at last seem to be settling down.

Time for some pictures:

Marsh Frog - a very stripy one! (Vandana Lake)

A pair of Shelduck (with Gadwall & Moorhen behind). Note how much bigger the drake is on the right and the fact that he has a red knob on his bill (Russ Sherriff)

A smart male Tufted Duck with a peculiar zebra patterned bill! (Russ Sherriff)

Male Reed Buntings are singing everywhere now and are often to be seen foraging at close hand on the exploding reedmace heads!(George Pettican)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer