Already today 14 species of wader have been seen on site and the Thames forshore has not even been checked yet so that could go up! Amongst thise seen have been Avocets, Ruff and Wood Sandpiper so who knows what else could be out lurking on the pools. A Marsh Harrier and Yellow Wagtail have also added early morning interest.

The heavy rain showers of recent days have helped green up the reserve and there are now several smaller pools to be checked while Aveley has been suitably envigorated by the downpours.

There are plenty of warblers in the woodland and several Willow Warblers have been seen along te river wall.

Juvenile Sedge Warbler (Paul Hawkins)

During the week over 50 Japanese Quails (many in poor condition) were illegally released along the river wall. Some survived the night but their prospects are not good. The Police and other authorities are investigating.

Japanese Quail  (Russ Sherriff)

Finally, during one of the bright spells on Wednesday we had another good hoverfly session with lots of activity and I managed some good shots especially on the eryngium in the wildlife garden.

Volucella zonaria (Howard Vaughan)

Helophilus travittatus (Howard Vaughan)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer