Over the last few years the phragmites and greater reedmace along the Northern Trail has filled up all the availble space and as such it has become almost impossible to see anything in the winter let alone the summer months unless it is either on top or along the front edges.

As such, I headed out on Thursday with the work party and helped to create a series of channels through the dense vegetation. Reedbed birds like edges and the overly dense vegetation undoubtedly makes movement more tricky for the wildlife as well as reducing the opportnities for you and I to see some of the denizens within it!

By clearing these 'roads' we have hopefully increased your chances of catching sight of the Water Rails as they scuttle across the gap or linger to feed in the newly available open water or flitting Cetti's Warblers perching up before making a dash for the other side. Bearded Tits are especially fond of edges so we hope they like what we have done.

Paul and Nicole wielded the powerful brushcutters with aplomb while slave-boy Howard followed along behind with a rake and the hope that the water would not go over his wellies!

This is just the start and next week we shall head further west along the trail and create some more pathways into the reeds.  Hope the water does not rise too much between now and then or an upgrade to waders will be required!

Before.... dense matted Greater Reedmace

Me testing water depth!

Paul in full flow

One of the newly cut wide gaps in the Phragmites that will allow a view of Aveley Pools from a bench.  Just imagine water in here and a Water Rail poking its head out....

We also tackled the bird feeding station in the woodland and strimmed the area in front of it and piled the cuttings up to make a platform on which to put food even when the area inevitablty floods in the coming weeks. New logs, posts and closer hidden feeders will be going in soon that will please photographers as well as those who just wish to sit and watch.

Everything is still so dry underfoot and I am sure that Nicole only wore her snazzy armpit (rather than chest) waders because they were new and she liked the smell of the rubber.....

So to finish up, a shot of Nicole really working and me posing while pretending to do so....

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer