A very windy day out on the reserve and the Lapwings have been particulalry spooky today with clouds of them going up at the slightest provocation. And by slightest I do not mean a distant Peregrine or menacing Sparrowhawk... I reckon that they are the only bird that is scared by its own reflection. Dopey things.  All that wasted energy. The Golden Plovers are a lot more relaxed and tend to get up last when the Laps fly and having quicker wingbeats usually end up above the flock and are last to come back down.

The Spotted Redshank was still around today along with two Ruff and a Pectoral Sandpiper was seen briefly by Pete & Vern Merchant.

Images by Russ Sherriff

Using special technology we were able to delve into the vocalisations of the flock of Lapwings photographed above as they were actually attending their annual Anti-trauma Traning Seminar today and discovered the following disturbing insight into the minds of what we affectionately know as 'Natures Biscuits'...

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer