During the festive period when the Robin Robin trail was running we had to temporarily close the Woodland Photographic Hide. After a bit of tinkering from me and some extra help from Barry Jackson we have got things ship shape down there again.
The last person to use it was Nick Byrne-Chinn  back in November and he was lucky enough to get some great shots of the waters rails that popped out to say hello.
Water rail - Nick Byrne-Chinn 
You will be pleased to know that they are still coming into feed under the feeders (take some soaked mealworms with you) and I am sure Barry will post some more pictures from Saturday in due course.
Reed bunting - Barry Jackson
Sparrowhawk - John Humble
The reflection pool is looking good and most of the common birds are already visiting once again.
Greenfinches - Jo Collins
When: hiring available during opening hours if area not in use with schools
Opening times: Full day (9.45 am-4.15 pm) or half day (9.45 am-1 pm or 1-4.15 pm) hire available.
Pricing: Half day £25 (£20 for RSPB members), or full day £35 (£28 for RSPB members). Entry to the reserve is included in the price and covers two people.
So if you fancy a different sort of photographic experience then please email rainham.marshes@rspb.org.uk to check for availability.
Tuition sessions (involving the hide) are also now available with one of our tame photographers... just ask for details.

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer