Ornithological Summary December 2021

RSPB Rainham Marshes:

The Cattle Egrets must have got wind that the cows were leaving for the winter as the last one was seen on the 3rd the week before they left. With mild conditions there was not much change in wildfowl numbers but a hint of east brought in a flock of 15 skittish Barnacle Geese that headed north.

Barnacle Geese - Mark Vale

Five more dropped in on the 21st and stayed into New Year with another 11 briefly on the 23rd.  Dunlin peaked at 1100 and 70 Golden Plover on the 17th were a one day wonder.  Green and Common Sandpipers, Jack Snipe and a couple of Ruff added interest.  The Thames was quiet bar a few Caspian (five on 22nd) and Yellow-legged Gulls but a Shag feeding mid river was a bonus on the 22nd.

Caspian Gull - Andy Tweed

Shag - Russ Sherriff

At least five Marsh Harriers are wintering and Ravens, Buzzards and Peregrines were daily along with our very tame female Kestrel.  A Red Kite drifted through on the 10th and a Merlin was seen on the 28th.  The only Short-eared Owl was seen in the rain on the 4th.

Marsh Harrier - Pete Woods

Our very tame Kestrel - Andy Reid

Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs are wintering and two Firecrest were seen around the car park area while the male Dartford Warbler continued to tantalise along the river wall.  Bearded Tits, Stonechats and Water Pipits were around the trails and Rock Pipits were along the tide line.

Firecrest - Henry Wyn-Jones

Dartford Warbler - Henry Wyn-Jones

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer