A short while ago we noticed that a group of lads had materialised in teh Adventure Playground.  Not all teenagers and they definitely did not come through the centre... one appeared to be up on the old MoD Bunker, pacing up and down like some caged animal!

So off we go to investigate, best diplomatic, non-confrontational hats on. We arrive to find ten lads from a Chelmsford based Free Running Parkour group called Team Traceur having fun in the playground. They had been involved in designing some local park facilities for kids and thought that they would 'drop in'.  Now one of their crew had got himself into a little predicament by somehow leaping the wide moat onto the old Ammo Bunker.  He had a run up to get on but not to get back and was definitely stuck. 

Took him twenty minutes to pluck up the courage to make the dangerous leap back. After a round of applause, some cautionary words were had and they promised to come back through the centre rather than over it...

Good lads really...

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer