Morning all on Easter Sunday.

A better day weather wise yeaterday but still migrants are thin on the ground. A Sedge Warbler thought about singing but decided to stay in the reeds but our resident Cetti's Warblers were making lots of noise and several visitors got excellent views. A flock of 33 Golden Plover came in at high tide along with 17 Curlews and a few Redshank and four Short-eared Owls were seen at the west end of the reserve. Our wintering Water Pipits have attained full stunni ng breeding plumage and are still being seen on the Stone Barges reached off of Coldharbour Lane.

Today has started drizzly and windy again but hopefully it will clear and we shall get some April sunny spells! The Easter Treasure hunt has been a great success so far... and still 14 days to go!


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer