July Monthly Summary

With water levels still good it was not surprising that the waders continued to drop in and included up to 27 Black-tailed Godwits (3rd), ten Greenshank (17th), Ruff, Spot Shank, Wood Sandpiper, Turnstone and a fine adult Pectoral Sandpiper from 11th -19th. Two Spoonbills spent from the 22nd to 26th on Aveley Pools with one till the 29th while Little Egret peaked at 53. The first Garganey (28th) and Wigeon were seen and there were three Shelduck broods on the river along with a Merganser (16th) and a single Sandwich Tern (16th). Yellow-legged Gulls started to build up and three Caspians were on the landfill (6th) with several Meds that included a couple of juvs and five adults. The first Yellow Wagtails were reported and a single Crossbill was seen on the 13th. Marsh Harriers were regular and a Kite was seen on the 1st. With the breeding season almost over news was released of two territorial male Marsh Warblers that are thought to have paired up and bred.

Plenty of insect action with Pianted Ladies, Clouded Yellows, and Silver Y's arriving from the continent and a Monarch possibly from even further away. Water Voles have been very obliging and Grass  Snake action increased with the activeness of the Marsh Frogs!

Spoonbill (Dave McGough)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer