The last two days has seen the marsh enveloped in a damp (but not cold) blanket of fog. The lack of wind has kept it firmly in place making it a  realm of shadows and louder than normal sounds (if only it had been like this on Friday Night!). 

Droplets hang on every leaf and blade of grass and even on the birds!

Damp Kestrel (Donna Zimmer)

Cobwebs are bejeweled with reflective beadlets that seem to defy gravity and create silken curtains between the plants, posts and almost any other immovable object.

Clive Watts

Clive Watts

Donna Zimmer

And Clive Watts was over the moon that one of his Wasp Spiders had made it through to November! - Donna Zimmer

There are still flowering plants to be found, especially along the river wall and Howard Statham took some great shots in the murk of Sunday morning...

Yellow and white flowered Great Mullein

Beautiful White Campion...

And last but not least... An ethereal shot of one of our Short-eared Owls from Paul Hutchison



Howard Vaughan, Information Officer