Rainham Marshes is an ideal place to experience a spring Dawn Chorus. We start pre-dawn at 4am as the first Robins, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and Wrens arise with Reed and Sedge Warbler chundering and chattering behind us and asthmatic Lapwings and trembling Redshanks display over the marsh and the Cuckoo tries to remember his name.... I suspect Mr P will get in on the act with an enthusiastic crow or two and if it is warm then the Marsh Frogs will add their own cacophony of sound.

Costs are... RSPB member: £18.00, Wildlife explorer member: £8.00, adult non-member: £20.00, child non- member: £8.00. This inlcudes breakfast. Pre-payment booking essential.

Wren (Pete Jackson)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer