Despite the inclement forecast for the weekend it is now looking possible that the sun may shine tomorrow afternoon and we may actually be able to get out on the Insect Afternoon Walk at 1pm.  Hopefully it will be warm enough to encourage all the critters to show themselves.  If you have not booked, no worries, just turn up as there are still about ten places left!   Not sure about the Dragons and Damsels walk on Sunday yet but will play things by ear....  fingers crossed!

Had a day off today so of course spent most of it at Rainham Marshes.... (I know, don't say it...) Had a good look around Rainham West this morning counting warblers and much to my surprise found a singing Garden Warbler belting out his liquid refrain from the Hemlock alongside the path. Threw me initially as definitely not what you would call normal Garden Warbler habitat and certainly not the month I expected to add this species to the site year list!

The other nice find today was a big, fat, woolly looking baby Oystercatcher with its parents on the Concrete Barges. John Daly managed to get some shots so many thanks!


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer