Truly cold today and five layers were not enough to keep the wind out. Blue skies were a bonus though and good light afforded excellent views of almost everything we saw which included a new second year Iceland Gull on the Target Pools and a fine adult Yellow-legged Gull along side it. The Peregrines were busy spooking everything and a male Ruff almost landed on the Purfleet Scrape amongst the thronging Wigeon.

2nd yr Iceland Gull (by me)

An adult Caspian Gull was seen on the pools this morning and several immatures have been seen around the landfill in recent days.

This red ringed 1st winter Caspian Gull was probably one that has been rung on our landfill site... (Andy Tweed)



Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Hi Howard

    I wondered what you were all looking at up on the river wall, you were right about the wind though it did cut right through you, I too was lucky enough to spot a peregrine bothering the wigeon over the far side of the reserve but i could not get that close.


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Hi Howard

    I wondered what you were all looking at up on the river wall, you were right about the wind though it did cut right through you, I too was lucky enough to spot a peregrine bothering the wigeon over the far side of the reserve but i could not get that close.


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

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