Not the best pics in the world but very glad that they got taken!

The Pectoral Sandpiper is a rare trans-Atlantic traveller and there have been several autumn records from the reserve but in Spring there are even rarer so this one found by Andy Tweed was quite special. Brenda managed a couple of shots before it headed of with the Redshanks.  You can just make out the breast band and slightly decurved bill that help identify it.

It's the one on the right!

Well done Brenda...

And not to be outdone, Jonathan Wasse found what is presumably the Crossness Green-winged Teal from just up river on the 27th April.  It is probably the most wanted bird for most of the regular birders so it was good that one of them found it. I just now need to get outside and refind it to join their club!

On Green-winged Teal the white horizontal flank line has slipped to become a shorter vertical line on the breast side. Most authorities now treat this as a separate American species.

One in the middle... I am envious....


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer