With the weather back in a cold rut things have slowed down again since mid-week when we had had nine Wheatears and two Willow Warblers on Wednesday. Only two Wheatears today out on Wennington and no extra warblers or hirundines at all. Yesterday saw two each of Marsh Harrier and Buzzard go through and a Red-breasted Merganser spent the day in Aveley Bay on and off but had moved on by today. The only increase today was the Ruff flock which now stands at 13 birds and they have now taken to Purfleet Scrape with some enthusiasm and the LRP's are still around.

Oh and Nicole, our Warden found a Firecrest this evening whilst out checking the cattle. It was along in the gorse just west of the small car park at the end of the river wall.

Merganser (Andy Tweed)

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer