
Take a personal tour around Rainham Marshes with an expert guide looking for wildlife and discovering the unique history of the reserve. Your guide will tailor the experience for you, be it whether you are interested in birds, butterflies, bees, flies, bugs and other insects, plants, history or even a little bit of everything! They will answer your questions so that you can discover RSPB Rainham Marshes your way. Gift vouchers are available and Christmas (sorry) is not too far away...

Booking is required - to book your guide, or to buy a gift voucher call us on 01708 899851.



Willow Emerald - Ian Plume


When: available during opening times – give us a call and we try to find a leader to match with your requirements!



Kestrel - John Humble


Pricing: £25 (£20 RSPB member) for the first person, and £5 (£4 RSPB member) for each additional person. Maximum of four people for approximately a three hour walk.


Vipers Bugloss - HTV


Procedure: booking and payment in advance required. To book or for more details contact the reserve on 01708 899851 or email rainham.marshes@rspb.org.uk for more detail or to book your slot!



Dingy Skipper - HTV

Howard Vaughan, Information Officer