Apart from all the fun around whether it was or wasn't seen on Saturday things have calmed down a little on the Slaty Backed Gull front. There are still doubters about the identification of this magnificent gull out there but they are in the minority and the case for it being what Dominic thought it was initially is compelling...

This is one of Dom's original pictures from the 13th. He had updated his blog with the latest info so check out www.birdingetc.com

That aside, the reserve was looking a lot wetter on Sunday and the wildfowl count was pretty good with 386 Greylag, 1122 Wigeon, 391 Gadwall, 1196 Teal, 25 Pintail, 27 Tufted Duck, 54 Pochard and 3500 Lapwing seen.

I have been recovering from the weekend and its resultant thumping adrenaline fueled migraine for the last two days but if the count of 2500 Teal and 1500 Wigeon today is anything to go by I should imagine that it has got even wetter still!

Am looking forward to the Wednesday Walk tomorrow. Just hope the rain lets off.

H ;o)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  •  Thanks for the help Howard after I foolishly got my car stuck in the mud on Saturday.

    As always Rainham Staff proved to be amongst the best and helpful in the country IMHO.

    Thanks also to the couple who gave me a tow onto firmer ground, much appriciated.

    May all your Sandpipers be Curlew.