June is well and truly upon us and the weather has been sultry and thundery in the last few day and the marsh is looking lush and luxuriant and is chock full of Lapwing and Redshank families, no less than four Mute Swan broods and the first clutches of Shoveler, Pochard and Gadwall to add to the babe fest.

A Short-eared Owl was seen again today and the Marsh Harriers were up and about but the star of the day went to the trio of singing Grasshopper Warblers (Gropper in birding parlance) along the river wall that seemed to become energised after the rain and thunderstorm that grazed the reserve.

Dawn Cowan was in the right place with her camera and captured one of the male birds in a frenzy of reeling and frantic wing waving and shivering. Whether this was a territorial dispute with the other male who came in to see what he was doing or the close presence of a female or even a predator near the nest is unknown but the images are stunning and she even managed to get some great video too!

Click here for some amazing footage...

And who says that June is a quiet month??


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

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