On Wednesday Andy T found a smart Redstart along the river wall and it showed quiet well on and off as it fed in the willows by the turnstile gate all the while shivering that fiery tail and making soft 'hooeeet' calls.

Two were also seen last weekend and these are probably the result of the big fall of migrants along the east coast the previous week that have slowly filtered down country in the ensuing days...

With East-South-Easterly wings forecast for Monday and Tuesday perhaps we may yet find a few more waifs and strays before the month is out?

Redstart (Andy Tweed)

There are still plenty of Chiffchaffs and a few Blackcaps about and even a Reed Warbler or two while Goldcrests are now being seen most days. Hirundines are still moving through as well and yesterday Dave Smith found a late Garganey on the pools.

Chiffchaff (Mark Hart)


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer