Had to pop out on the reserve yesterday afternoon to look at the electric fence and as I wandered back I managed to get some good shots of the multitude of insects on route in the humid conditions. More to come on the hoverflies as I spent yesterday evening going through my images to see if I could identify them.  Reckon I have given it a good go but will send them off to Joan at RSPB Rye Meads to see what she thinks first!

Anyway, managed to see the following butterflies:

  1. Small White
  2. Large White
  3. Green Veined White
  4. Holly Blue
  5. Small Skipper
  6. Essex Skipper
  7. Meadow Brown
  8. Gatekeeper
  9. Speckled Wood
  10. Peacock
  11. Red Admiral
  12. Small Tortoiseshell
  13. Comma

Not bad really given the fact that the sun was not really shining!

Speckled Wood (Les Harrison)

Comma (me)

Lots of Dark Bush Crickets and bumblebees including several Shrill Carder Bees which I found whining like giant mosquitoes along side the path. A rare species and about as bad a photo as I usually get!

Shrill CB bum!

and last but not least a groovy but very common fly with a super punky hair do!

Goes by the name of Gonia divisa....

More on Hovers later!


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer