Good morning,
During May we run two Dawn Chorus Walks - one was on Sunday 6 May, and the next one is coming up this weekend on Sunday 13 May, 4-7 am.
Fabulous picture of the moon, just before we started walking, by David Dent
Last Sunday everyone enjoyed the magic of dawn, and were serenaded through the woodland by song thrush, blackcap, robin, blackbird and loudest of all cuckoo. One of the highlights was seeing the barn owl hunting in the early morning mist.
Warblers were busy with reed, sedge and cettis all singing and showing nicely. There was lovely views of skylark as well.
Reed warbler gathering nesting materials by David Dent
Sedge Warbler by David Dent
Skylark by David Dent
There are a couple more spaces on this weekend's Dawn Chorus (Sunday 13 May, 4-7 am) if you would like to come along and experience it for yourself. If you are interested you can find more details here, and give us call on 01708 899840 to book.
You can get ready for the weekend walk, or take the magic of dawn home with you - we have a few bird song CD's available in the shop.