Some early wild spring flowers have been doing their best to show their faces despite the inclement weather and the scent of the coconut scent of Gorse in flower when warmed by a smidgen of sun is a true smell of springtime...

The Blackthorn (or Sloe.... mmmm Gin......) is now well in bloom with slightly almondy smelling flowers scattering the bushes.  They do not last long and soon brown and fade but another bush nearby always seems to be covered in white glory of fruit to come...

I also found a fantastic clump of Coltsfoot growing near our re-discovered Bee Bank in the Adventure Playground. It covers about six feet or so of ground and the Dandelion-esque yellow flowers pushing up through the ground on a firm fleshy spike before opening up to attract the earliest pollinating bees.  the large grey green hoof shaped leaves from which it gets its name follow after the flowers have done their job and gone to seed.

Today I found a small clump of what I hope are Dog Violets in the Wildlife Garden and the first Red Dead Nettle was already in bloom in small clumps of purpleness.  Just need those insects to venture forth now!


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer