Another fine start to the day which gradually warmed itself to respectability. Lots of insect life today with 11 species of butterfly including only the second ever Green Hairstreak for the reserve. Hairy Hawkers started to emerge and the first Blur-tailed Damsels joined the Large Reds.

Green Hairstreak by Brenda Clayton

Hairy Hawker by Peter Warne

The wildlife garden pond now looks fabulous and Ragged Robin and Water Forget-me-nots are in flower around the edges.

Ragged Robin by me

On the bird front four Sanderling were the first new passage waders for a few days but the star of the day was a Raven the flew past the centre at 1130 heading northeast up the Mar Dyke Valley. This species has increased somewhat in the south east in the last few years and it was only a matter of time till one paid us a visit.


Howard Vaughan, Information Officer