Easter is the time when we begin our pond dipping events and it is so much fun to delve into the depths of the ponds and get up close and personal with some of the remarkable creatures who live there.

Now the water is starting to warm up we have spotted a few newts in our ponds, but taking a dip into the ponds (with the help of a net) we have also found some wonderful caddis fly larvae, dragonfly larvae, bloodworms and diving beetles.

Some of the pond creatures have some incredible superpowers..

Caddis fly larvae can build themselves a sleeping-bag like home which provides amazing camouflage and protection from predators.  Some use bits of vegetation - twigs and rushes - whilst others will use stones and shells. Can you spot it in the photo below?

Dragonfly larvae are fast and fierce.  Developing in the pond over a couple of years they are one of the top predators in the pond.  When swimming, they tuck all six of their legs in to create a streamlined shape and propel themselves through the water.  They have strong jaws which can snap out to catch unsuspecting creatures.

Perhaps one of my favourites is the whirligig beetle, also known as the 'whizzabout'.  These small beetles whirl around on the surface of the pond and have very special 'split' eyes which means they can watch out for predators flying above them and lurking beneath them all at the same time!

If you would like to come along and meet some of these creatures and more, join us on our next 'Pondemonium' events on Friday 10 April.  It is a drop in event so come along any time between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm and join in.