Hi, just wondering where the best place in Otmoor is to see otters as I would love to take some photographs of them, think I will need a lot of patience and maybe a rain coat...
Hi there, these are very elusive, you should check this blog: www.surfbirds.com/.../OtmoorBirding
to see where they've been seen previously but I reckon the best bet would be one of the two screens very, very early in the morning or late evening and as you say, considerable patience!
Good luck, Gavin
Hi, I'm not sure if you've been able to see the otters yet, but they can be quite elusive. The last sighting I heard about was on the 15th August in front of the first screen looking out into the reedbed. As well as in the reedbed they have also been seen in the ditches on either side of the bridleway. The majority of the sightings were from early this year when a female with 2 pups were seen fairly regularly so fingers-crossed it'll be a repeat situation this forth coming winter. Keep your eyes open though as you never know when you'll see one!
Havent seen any yet but will keep persevering., Thanks Gavin for the link, cracking blog site there with amazing photos. I will keep getting up early and hopefully get lucky, thanks Joe for the info.
Just a quick message to say that a female otter was seen in the ditch running up the eastern side of the Greenaways field on Monday (19th Sept.) Inland otters can be very elusive so there isn't much of a chance it'll be there if you go and look for it, but it at least shows there's still an otter on the reserve. That particular ditch can be seen from the very eastern end of the bridleway where it joins the Roman Road and MOD land.