• Summer by the sea

    After the changeable weather of the last few weeks, it's been lovely to enjoy a week of mainly sunny days. The wildlife certainly has a more summery feel too, with good numbers of Meadow Brown and Small Heath butterflies dancing across the grasslands, swarms of Common Blue Damselflies zipping around the pond, and larger Four-spotted Chaser and Norfolk Hawker dragonflies patrolling the pond margins. Some visitors have…

  • Volunteer Diary: Come as your are

    Volunteer Lou Goom brings us her latest dairy entry
    The green leans in. Winter's overhead lattice has become a shady arcade. Muddy margins crack. Irises raise their flags and dragonfly nymphs shin up their rigging, ready to swap their swimsuits for a one-way ticket to a summer of sky.
    A Four-spotted Chaser emerges for the first time
    Raucous gulls harness the thermals and whirl. I am back to Minsmere for more…
  • Roses are red

    Some roses, of course, are red, but the wild roses that are blooming in proliferation in scrubby areas around Minsmere are shades of pink or white, depending on species. Along with the white flowers of Brambles, they are providing many important nectar sources for our butterflies and bees, especially in the North Bushes and around the Bittern Hide area.

    Mid June is a superb time to look for flowers, and I don't think…

  • Hip Hip Herons

    What a week it has been if you like herons! Whenever you visit Minsmere it is always possible to see at least three different types of herons - Bittern, Little Egret and Grey Heron - but this week there have been several other herons and closely related birds spotted, providing you were in the right place at the right time.

    One of our volunteers, David Naylor, has certainly been in the right place. It helps that he spends…

  • From wartime to wildlife time – Suffolk's hidden wartime history

    As we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings today, this special blog explores how wartime history unexpectedly benefited the long-term future of wildlife on the Suffolk coast. 

    In spring of 1943, secret plans were being drawn up on the Suffolk coast. Britain was at war, France was occupied, and a new approach was needed. 

    The 163rd Brigade/54th Division, led by Brigadier General Wales, were hard at work building…

  • The kids are out to play

    It's that time of year where young birds are appearing everywhere you look. I've had great pleasure watching the hordes of juvenile Starlings in my garden for several weeks as they squabble over mealworms and even bully the Jackdaws out of the way. We've even had a family of Pied Wagtails strutting around the lawn, as well.

    Here at Minsmere, many youngsters have already left the nest. I watched a juvenile…

  • Volunteer Diary: Ode to Nettles

    Guest Blog by our regular volunteer diarist Lou
    Nearing Minsmere and speculating on what my day's challenge might be – I have been asked to bring thick gloves – I brake to take in a view I've anticipated for so long I thought it might not come. There are those who say that the purest and most perfect view is that of the uninterrupted sky directly above where you stand. Now, far be it for me to disagree with EM Forster…
  • Multi-coloured swap shop

    Colour is theme that I come back to regularly in this blog, with good reason. Nature is full of colour, especially in the spring when birds are in their breeding finery, butterflies and dragonflies are emerging, and flowers are blooming throughout the reserve. Colour also features prominently in the names of many of our species, including a few of the rarer species that have been seen this week.

    Probably the rarest bird…

  • Here comes the sun

    What a difference it makes to see the sun for a prolonged period. It has been so nice to be able to enjoy a few days of sun, and it has certainly brought with it a change in the behaviour of some of our wildlife.

    For a start, the warmer, sunny weather has tempted a much bigger range of insects to emerge into their adult forms, making species such as bees, butterflies and dragonflies much more obvious – their larval phases…

  • The Minsmere Song Contest

    Next weekend, TV viewers across Europe will be tuning in for the annual glitter and Lycra-fest that is the Eurovision Song Contest. I’m sure that many of the songs will be up to the usual high/low (delete as applicable) standards that we come to expect, and that there will be at least one among them that is worthy of a second listen.

    While I’m sure Eurovision will appeal to some of you, I recommend  heading…

  • Long legs, long beaks

    Despite the chilly north-west wind, the reserve is taking on much more spring-like feel, with birdsong echoing from every corner of the reserve, courtship behaviour becoming increasingly obvious, and even a few young birds starting to appear.

    Nightingales always prove popular, and continue to sing from the car par entrance and North Bushes. They've been joined in the latter location by various warblers: Whitethroat, Lesser…

  • On the move

    I love the unpredictability of spring. One minute we're bathed in warm sunshine, rejoicing that winter is over and wandering whether it's time to get the shorts out of the wardrobe. The next, we're running for shelter as the latest in a series of squally showers drenches us in icy rain, or shivering from the chill of brisk northerly gale whipping down the coast.

    Whatever the weather, spring also ushers in…

  • Volunteer Diary: Stick Season

    The latest guest blog from Lou Goom's Volunteer Diary following her visit a couple of weeks ago (all photo's by Lou Goom)

    Everything inches up. From the hedgerows to the beaches, creatures turn their backs to the winter, face the sun, and sing. My car window is open, and I drive into the reserve accompanied by the coconut-scented songs of dowdy Dunnocks in the Gorse. Vivid green supersedes the marcescent leaves…

  • Crooners return

    Some of the most famous singers in the world have been referred to as crooners. Think Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole or Marty Wilde. The term may not be in such common usage these days - I can't see it being used for Ed Sheeran, for example - but it is an apt word for a bird that has what might be the described as the best songster in the UK: the Nightingale.

    Nightingales are summer migrants, spending the winter in…

  • Little cousins

    The two most popular birds at Minsmere could both be described as little cousins of bigger, more familiar species. One is a regular visitor, though often difficult to see. The other was a completely new species for the reserve.

    Let's start with the newcomer. When news came in of five Scaup at Island Mere on Sunday morning, local birdwatchers got quite excited as this is an unusually high count for this seaduck at Minsmere…

  • Welcoming back old friends

    Guest blog from Minsmere volunteer and resident, Mark Solomons
    Spring is here though not without its unpredictability from frosty mornings to blazing sunshine and days in which it seems we experience all four seasons in 24 hours.
    But what is predictable are the arrivals, particularly for those of us with the good fortune to live within the boundaries of Minsmere.
    While many arrive laden with binoculars, scopes and cameras…
  • Martins return

    Following on from last week's blog where I celebrated the return of the Chiffchaff, this week has seen the return of another typical early spring migrant. Our first three Sand Martins returned on Monday and immediately started to investigate burrows in the recently steepened sandy cliff beside the cafe terrace.

    It's always great to watch the Sand Martins hawking for insects and swooping in and out of their burrows…

  • Pink Gull

    Guest blog by volunteer guide David Staff

    Last Sunday an unusual sight was to be seen on East Scrape at RSPB Minsmere.

    A pink Seagull gripped the visitor attention for most of the afternoon.

    A Black-headed Gull, whose white feathers showed a glorious flamingo orange pink colour.

    I decided to find out what was going on.

    Some gull and tern species do commonly show a pink flush, particularly in the breeding season, Little…

  • "Chiff chaff chiff chaff"

    Chiffchaffs are gorgeous little birds. They may not have the bright colours of a Goldfinch or obvious features like the Robin's orange-red breast, but they are bang full of character and are typical harbingers of spring. Or are they?

    Although most Chiffchaffs in the UK are summer visitors, arriving on our shores from late March and leaving in October to spend the winter in Spain or North Africa, increasing numbers…

  • Storks, Cranes and Egrets

    Tall, long-legged birds have definitely dominated the sightings reports on our guides' radios this week, some more expected than others.

    It's no longer a surprise to hear reports of Great Egrets around the reedbed, along with the more typical Little Egrets, Grey Herons and Bitterns. In fact, yesterday I spotted eight Little Egrets in front of North Hide, and watched two Bitterns flying between Bittern Hide and the…

  • Volunteer Diary 3

    The latest diary entry from Hide Cleaning and Trail Maintenance Volunteer, Lou Goom
    The verges change at every turn as I near the reserve; from pavement, to grass, to gorse, and finally, there are woods all around. I imagine this place at night. There would be the sharpened smell that comes with sunset - of leaves defrosting, composting, of Fox territory, of spring fungi colonizing broken branches.  Skeletal budded branches…
  • Up close with nature

    It may be bit of a cliché, but nature never ceases to amaze me. However many times I walk around Minsmere, I invariably encounter something unusual, unexpected or simply bizarre. It may an unusually high count of a certain species - as with the recent record counts of Shoveler and Pintail - or a surprise meeting with a Slow Worm or Stoat on the path. Sometimes it might be something exceptionally rare, like the Humpback…

  • Volunteer Diary 2

    Guest blog by Lou Goom, Volunteer Hide Cleaner
    It is 13 February and the race is on to finish ground clearance close to breeding sites. Soon these critical spots will fill with nests and fawns and burrows. Having been rained on until I was rained off the week before, I am back to clear the parking and pathway areas of spiky growth that could snag on visitors' clothes.
    Two Marsh Harriers circle…
  • Nature's clues

    I've talked a lot about water recently, but today I'm turning my attention to mud. After so much rain, it's perhaps not a surprise that some of the paths are a bit muddy in places. This means there's also a chance to look for footprints - if you can spot them before they are trampled by the boots of passing human visitors!

    Among the prints you are most likely to find are deer tracks, known as "slots". These…

  • Swan Lake

    The last week has been perfect for visitors who wish to brush up on their swan identification, or enjoy the rare opportunity to see all three UK swan species in close proximity, with counts of up to 12 Whooper and 11 Bewick's Swans joining the resident Mute Swans on the Scrape.

    Mixed flock of swans and ducks on East Scrape

    The two "wild" swans (those that migrate to the UK for the winter) can be tricky to separate…