Guest blog by Daniel Loveard, Little Tern Field Officer

Every summer, volunteer little tern wardens are all out in force to protect and monitor the colonies around the UK. This year, the support the Suffolk team have received from volunteers has been fantastic. We recently hosted a welcome event for these volunteers at Minsmere’s Discovery Centre. It was a great opportunity for our new and existing volunteer wardens from the RSPB and Natural England to meet over a hot drink and many biscuits!

Rhiannon Baker, our Project Officer, also delivered a presentation on the EU LIFE+ project with an introduction on little tern ID, their ecology and the sites we’re monitoring this year (Kessingland, Benacre and Walberswick).

Afterwards, some of our volunteers explored the reserve, with the hope of seeing some little terns on the Scrape where they have been sighted recently. [29 were on South Scrape yesterday - ed.]

We’re eager for our terns to settle and begin to nest soon, so we can get our committed and like minded volunteers to support the Suffolk coast’s colony!