With Boris Johnson visiting the site for the proposed Sizewell C reactor today, we can't understand why a Prime Minister that claims to be tackling the nature crisis wouldn't spend some of his trip visiting Minsmere to better understand the effects the development will have on this internationally recognised and critical site for nature. Due to consent being granted against the recommendations of the Examining Authority and advice of government advisers, the RSPB, after years of engaging with the application feels it has no choice but to apply for leave to Judicial Review. 

This isn’t an argument about whether we need new nuclear or not, this is about where we build our national infrastructure. The Government needs a clear long term strategy to move to securing a domestic energy supply in a way that meets our net zero goals, and this cannot be at the expense of some of our most important habitats and must recognise the nature crisis.   

For an outgoing PM concerned with his political legacy, any decision to plough on with Sizewell C regardless of all the concerns will only call in to question any environmental legitimacy he may claim

You can also watch Jeff Knott talking about this at https://twitter.com/RSPBMinsmere/status/1565346597239934983 

  • Come on, Ian.  That bloke is well known to be an out-and-out, compulsive liar.  You know very well that caring about our environment is of zero interest to him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Come on, Ian.  That bloke is well known to be an out-and-out, compulsive liar.  You know very well that caring about our environment is of zero interest to him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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