Construction work has officially started for the Sizewell C project on the Suffolk coast. Hundreds of thousands of you supported our Love Minsmere campaign over many years to ensure the development properly took nature into account. While we did what we could, the UK Government approved the scheme without what we believe are the necessary safeguards. Sadly, nature is the loser here.

Read on to find out more about what happens now in our new blog

  • I still don’t know how RSPB Minsmere missed the deadline for taken any legal action! As I don’t know why! I know personally who I blame for that. As the RSPB have never made public as far as I know the reason that happened. Maybe you might know Clare. So until I know more on how RSPB Minsmere missed that deadline. The RSPB or RSPB Minsmere are to blame as well. Unless I hear further!  What else am I to say!



  • How the hell would I know, Thomo?  Even when I was still working there I was only a volunteer.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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