Satellite Tracked Ospreys (non-LG) Aug 2012 - Sep 2014

This Topic has been set up to follow the Autumn 2012 migration and wintering of satellite tracked ospreys, other than Caledonia and Alba from Loch Garten, who are followed on this thread, Tracking Caledonia & Alba   

This topic replaces Satellite Tracked Ospreys (non-LG) Mar-Aug 2012 

N.B. There are still some missing details (and possibly birds) which I will add once the information becomes available.

  • Tempo said:

    Wouldnt it be lovely to have an hourly reading to know where they were!  

    Yes but the satellite only passes over the birds once or maybe twice per day. That is the only time that the data can transfer.

    See  Argos system

    Rob Bierregarrd has fitted four new type transmitters this year. They send signals to local mobile phone masts. I will be interested as to how they get on.

  • jsb said:

    White 13 has left on migration:

    "Number 13 has started his first migration. We have just got the last data from his transmitter, and he left Bassenthwaite early on Sunday morning, moving South through the Central Lakes, and passing over Morecambe Bay. He was over East Manchester by 14.00 and roosted NE of Stoke on Trent. His last position at 17.00 on Monday saw him just North of Derby, and we are hoping colleagues at Rutland keep their eyes peeled ! Interestingly, two birds have been seen together today at the breeding site, suggesting our youngster may have left well before his parents !"

    Alan: Is this the source website for the above, or has Bassenthwaite got a site, of it's own, a BBC one maybe? that would carry the news first hand, or is this it? I had a quick search and found this.....I am not a regular checker of this one. Thanks.


    jsb I don't know whether this page is of help to you, I have just come across it.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • SheilaFE: Thanks I have bookmarked Bassenthwaite Lake BirdForum. I have a little more time now, than I had earlier in the year, so I am catching up on the details of the less popular and less publicised places. You have just reminded me to check on Glaslyn, which I don't see much about these days. I have been checking on Einion this afternoon and he could still turn up, but without DYFI getting any tracking data, due to the signal quality being too poor to be of much use.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • One of the Glaslyn chicks has just appeared after an absence of ten days!  Don't know what happened there.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I believe it was 13 days in total Clare. Blue 80 flew off the nest on 10th and returned on 23rd. Official information is a little sporadic to say the least.

  • Update I found on FB this morning  quoting RD:

    31 August 09:01

    Roy's website has been updated and two of the four juveniles he has satellite tagged have left (one is Fearna).

    "The new young ospreys have started to migrate for Africa – we have satellite tagged four juveniles this summer during our ringing studies. The new birds are Aigan and Fiddich from East Moray, Stan from West Moray and Fearna from Badenoch. Two have just left – yesterday Aigan flew from Moray to the Isle of Man and earlier Fearna flew from near Loch Insh to the Borders via Glasgow. Maps below but each bird will have dedicated pages later today hopefully (but we are moving house today) and more details of their histories.

    Beatrice returned to old wintering site on 29th.

    Rothiemurchus still at Carlisle – first stage to Africa."

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Thank you Sheila. More names to remember.

  • Northshots' FB  has said that "Fearna the osprey has left.  She's on migration and has reached the Scottish borders."  Interestingly they say that there should be a link put up in the next day or so to follow her.  Northshots FB is here  and there is a fabulous pic on the Northshots' own web page of a juve being fed by parent -  here.  I cannot quite make out the full darvic number, but is clearly is an AA perhaps 8.  I wonder who it is.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • SheilaFE said:
    I cannot quite make out the full darvic number, but is clearly is an AA perhaps 8.  I wonder who it is.

    Hi Sheila - you have intrigued me with this - looks like a possible 5 to me and I have been searching various sites but can find no reference - someone must know so will have to wait patiently!!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr