Lewis finishing off his fish supper and Lady is watching :-)
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
And he's back again....
Morning Badger, scylla, Kate, Cirrus and everyone else! Looks like a fine day at Lowes :-)
Lewis is still on the nest, but rather quiet at the moment....
Image copyright Scottish Wildlife Trust:
"Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein
Lewis has started calling again....
Hi RtB....maybe a ground mike an action...can hear what sounds like gurgling water and other bird sounds but not Lewis call very well....
Here he is just after 10am.
BBL :-)
Hi SANDRA, thanks for those and see you later :-)
I love that head bobbing side to side movement that the ospreys do :-)
It's great isn't it Badger! Thanks Sandra for more pics. Lewis is still there, occasionally calling, and preening. The gurgling sound could be heard just then. Otter?
Lewis is scanning the sky directly above him......He's now flown. No, he's back again, calling....
Oooooops (insert red faced embarrassed emoticon here)...just realised as picture went off that I could STILL hear gurgling water :o I had the Pohtiolampi site open in an unseen tab!! Must get new brain sometime ;-)