Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Sunday all UK folks and Hi to those in the Eastern US and Down Under and, of course, Auntie in Finland.  Don't forget to check out the last posts from last week; I'll be back later to check on them myself!


  • Monrong Heron 77 hope the thaw continues for you but it now appears there could be flooding. 


    I am going to see Rhys on Sunday for my first cuddle and really looking forward to it.


    Have a good day and take care.


    Keep forgetting but welcome to our new friends who have joined the group.  The more the merrier.


  • Good morning Friday - damp and dreich.  We had brief snowfalls Wed night and Thu morning, but such slow fluttering stuff that it caused no probs, never froze and disappeared by nightfall (that is how Annan usually does snow!).  I have been reading posts while not writing much, and spent some time enjoying links.  Having a quick review now to decide on any replies.

    Alan – thanks for pointing out Douglas’ blog - really interesting to read more about the reserve – I see on the news this morning that they are helping with conservation of rare moth and hoverfly species in Abernethy forest.  So sad to see those young pelicans – don’t expect them to be in a place vulnerable to cold – more victims of climate change!

    Annette – good that you have had some cooling rain.  You’ll be having to mow the green stuff soon!  Unfortunate about the kitchen ants and their camouflage!  So sorry about the car damage, know what you mean about the hassle being worse than the actual damage – OH is right now chasing Dyno man who was to come Mon or Tues this week to repair garage pipes!  But really feel for you to have this at such a bad time with Daughter and everything to deal with.  Pleased you have a more suitable hire car than the gas-guzzling Lincoln.

    Patriciat – lucky sighting of heron.  We have a colony on a small island in the river so often see them around, but not on houses.  Haven’t got around to watching Snow Watch yet –looking forward to it.

    AQ- keep seeing headlines about SA heat wave in our news (I only read news online, don’t bother with TV and papers).  Hope you are still bearing up – and enjoy the chicken pie with a nice crisp salad!

    Heron – when our green stuff reappeared, I was so pleased to see it that I was able to turn a blind eye to the fact that some of it had been reduced to brown squishy stuff when the roof trim men walked on it soon after the floody weather of November!!

    DjoanS – good you were able to have time out with friends – even if it wasn’t a salad (noticed you didn’t say what you did have!!).

    Lindybird – thanks for alert to Aviemore extra snow – son has to travel via Aviemore to Grantown for interview Monday – he’ll need to re-check train and onward bus!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Still thawing here so will be nice to see a green garden again shortly.  Great to hear you have finished your decorating Lindybird, but I would think you weren't very popular when you pulled the blind off the wall. One thing about all this snow means I have been busy doing all the spring cleaning now. Aviemore were on the TV at the weekend saying that with the amount of snow they have had recently, they were hoping that the skiing season would last untill June.  

  • OG   believe that Cairngorm slopes are closed today because of drifting snow so hope son does his homework before setting out for his interview. Good luck to him for the job.

    The snow here is finally starting to thaw and the larger garden ornaments are starting to emerge from the snow. Even in the garden though it is dangerous underfoot.

    Donated last night to the Haiti Earthquake appeal (doesn't ) it make you realize how lucky we are. Must now donate to the LG appeal and then I will feel i have done my bit.

    Congrats to the new grandmother.  Haven,t posted for a while as both Dave and I have been poorly - on the mend now. Sad news heard yesterday that his favourite Aunt has died

  • dibnlib sorry you and Dave have been poorly but pleased to see you are on the mend now but my condolences for the the Aunt that has passed away.


    I am just going to donate to the Haiti earthquake appeal as my heart goes out to all of them and as you say it does make us realise how lucky we are.


    Take care and keep warm.


  • Dibnlib - sorry to hear you have both been unwell - and sorry that you have lost Dave's Aunt too.  Just had email from our minister in which he comments, the angel of death has been busy these past few weeks.  It's a nuisance our son has to travel north Monday setting out quite early - less chance to check weather situation over the weekend - can't even phone his prospective employer.  It seems that the problem in Aviemore today is road access to the Ski Centre,and the funicular and lifts being part buried, no mention of the railway to the town or bus route on to Grantown.  Monday is still a few days ahead and gradually less snow forecast.  My worry is not for him but for the many who will flock to Aviemore to ski at the weekend and  the high risk of avalanches if the thaw has really begun.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Afternoon all from TI:

    Dibnlib : I am sorry to hear that you and Dave have been unwell and that Daves aunt has died also. 

    Annette: The car incident must have been a real inconvenience for you. I get annoyed when I find new scratches on the side of the car after parking in public car parks so I can imagine how stressfull it must be for something major to happen when the car is left.

    This morning I was on a shopping mission. It was one of those shopping missions where and I quote" We will go and have a look round but probably find nothing but you never know." So After 2 hours in the rain and buying nothing of consequence we returned home.

    Day 6 without sunshine and we appear to have got rid of the snow and ice. Unfortunately it has been raining since 09:30 today and Hamish is getting depressed. Lets hope it eases off so I can get him out for his afternoon walk.  

    I am also going to donate to the Haiti earthquake appeal.

    Weather :

    Overcast and gloomy , Temp 2.9c , Sunrise 08:03 , Sunset 16:16


  • Haven't posted for a few days but have been keeping up with all the links and blogs. Yesterday went up to Vane Farm to get more bird food and was surprised how just travelling a few miles the weather change was  like going from temperate to arctic conditions. At Vane it was snowing there was fog and Loch Leven was frozen therefore there was not a lot of wild life on the loch.  Have just received the new Birds magazine and there is quite a lot about the diversity in the Abernethy forest as now they have found a new species of fungi there and this is along with a quarter of all the beetle species in the UK. OG  my son lives in Forres and he had to visit the school in Avimore yesterday but the road from Forres down thro' Grantown was closed  so I hope your son has a successful trip.  

    george g

  • Alan - sorry to read about the Thunderdog's depression - hope the walk will sort him out.

    George - thanks for road report on Grantown, will let son know!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Rain forecast for all next week starting Monday. Hurray and Hurray again!

    Lindybird: We were going to touch up parts of the paint in the non-remodeled part of the house before daughter/granddaughter/dogs came to visit but are now glad we held off. Major housecleaning event on the horizon when all return home, plus we'll finally get the old carpeting and chairs cleaned professionally. In the meantime, trying not-too-obviously to protect new carpeting from ravages of  multiple to-ings and fro-ings. Granddaughter is driving back to Arizona tomorrow; she has to be back at work on Monday, so one less to and fro to deal with.  I'm running away to have lunch with some women friends today - hostess is Scottish but has made shepherd's pie - yum! 

    Missed my weekly date at the roses yesterday, and will probably miss the annual pruning tomorrow morning since daughter will likely be depressed g-daughter going.  I may sneak up Sunday with loppers, etc., to repair damage done by well-meaning public who only come to rose garden to work once a year and do ghastly things to canes with blunt loppers and pruners and cut at wrong angles and in wrong directions. Oh dear. Nice to get the community involved, but....

    Enjoyed reading everyone's news but now cat is agitating to go out so must leap into action. Back to read more later. Take care all.