DAILY UPDATE (LG nest) Sunday 17 June 2012

How many of us are torn between dread and hope for the new day to come?

The peace and quiet of the LG nest is punctuated solely by unalarming chick noises.  Long may that last.

  • Tiger: That was an interesting point you raised (on the blog??) about these chicks having different fathers, though that wouldn't necessarily explain the bullying would it, given that we've seen it before when we know Odin was the father of all three?

  • Did you notice the size of the fish Odin brought  on the video I linked ? It was not big!  Maybe Odin always brought smaller fish and the chicks were not so large to need whoopers to fill them up

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I never notice this before. Did this chick always breath like this? I only saw it because EJ's wing was  rising and falling so rapidly

    scylla said:

    scylla it is one of the older chicks that is  breathing so rapidly and heavily. :(

    I'm not taking in everything very well tonight (so what's different? you may wonder ;-) ), got distractions here.  I do hope we don't have another cause for concern.  You would know better than I, but I would have thought it was just the osprey version of dreaming making them breathe heavily.  It's the one on our left, yes?


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • When the chick gets up if it looks fine then I think we can ignore it

    I hope things in your life smooth out  !

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Barbara: Re the "old" video - a hoot indeed - nothing like getting smacked on the back of the head when you've just brought breakfast!

  • As for the LG nest today - here we go again :-(

  • EJ took a break. #3 got up and #2 attacked it. #1 then attacked #2 as if to defend  #3

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Morning everyone :-)

    Thanks for all the posts, pics, vids etc.  Pity about the rubbish weather at the moment.  I see today's sibling battles have began early.  Okay then Bravery.  Here's a piece of advice:  Never turn your back on a rival.  Even in submissive postures always face your opponent.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • #1 was doing the  heavy breathing and she certainly looked in fine form as she attacked #2  So we can ignore the  breathing

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Barbara: That's 3 at the rear right? With #1 on the left and #2 on the right (not as familiar with the LG chicks this year since I've been watching LOTL)>