I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • Now, we have been through this many times before. At first I thought fishing might be partly innate and partly copied/learned behaviour but very quickly changed my mind to totally innate.

  • My Leanered friend C RINGER QC

    May I first post that the trial "Was Unfair" and in my absence have lodged this at the great court of session of Ospreys.

    It was arranged at a particular time in the interest of the defence just after her grande arrival therefore gaining support from her followers. What a cunning trick my learnered friend.

    Double Jeopardy is not a defence in this wonderful country of Scotland so a retrial is not out of the qusetion and I am gathering support - not being absent.

    At this time the prosecution do not want to put distress on your client at this particular time and that is an honourable thing from the prosecution.

    However questions are going to be asked of your client and will be made public whether in court or by post releases in The osprey Sun and I hope Odin is not reading.

    As I have said Red 8T will give up his his sole for a trout or two.

  • Thanks Tiger - it has been done.

    Sandy - A Mr. Meinertzhagan who published a paper entitled 'The education of young Ospreys' in no less a journal than Ibis would I think, if he is still alive, disagree with you. I am interested in all views. I am not saying I disagree with yours, which is contrary to the published material I have read, just interested to pick the brains of other people that like to watch, and whether they know it or not, study these amazing birds.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • C RINGER QC - Not Proven does not make some one Innocenct.

    Many high profile cases have ended up in Aquittal or Not proven due to public euphoria because the celebrity is a hero.

  • Unknown said:

    Tiger ~ Thank You for bringing it all back to me, I remember that now when Nora was practising feeding at the edge of the nest into thin air, and that Monty wasnt so good at bringing the fish in at the beginning.....   but bless them they weren't long until they got the hang of it, and looked what they produced 3 fine and healthy Ospreys.

    PS: Nite Nite all, off to bed....

    That scene had me in tears it was so sweet she went to the edge of the nest and you could see her going through the motions of feeding.

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • Can anyone find the video of Nora practicing feeding?

  • C Ringer May I adjourn and comment

    I watched young ospreys every day that the nest overlooks a fishery (Lochter) and wrote down an account of everything that occured.

    Likewise I watched ospreys that do not overlook a fishery as a comparrison and have a very good write up on both habits.

    Are you interested.

  • At Lochter Fishery the nest overhangs the fishing pools.

    Late on the season after fledging the male refused to feed despite calling and the two young joined him in the centre of the pool.

    He hovered and dived then retreated and hovered and let his young copy him - Is that not teaching.

    He reapeated this night after night until one night I saw one of the young catch a trout whilst he hovered above.


  • Better late than never Keith, welcome, these wonderful forum members have kept me company 'watching this space' until your arrival.

    Your posts will be given full consideration and added to the other material that has aready gathered for the possible libel action. We will reply in due course.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Keith - being serious - yes! I am interested. I also observed at Rothiemurchus Fish Farm on more cold mornings than I care to remember and am a great believer in the sharing of data. Could you post again on the Q&A thread where Tiger asked me to re-post the question?

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.