Hi everyone.
Welcome to the final weekly chat of 2009. Remember to check out the last few posts of last week's chat for the latest posts.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Lindybird – thanks for the Stork story - but one wonders what sort of life Dietmar can have.
AQ - pleased it’s a bit cooler today – perhaps it will last a while to give you a real break from the heat. OH and I both thought the Caramac was disappointing - not as we remember it – less colour and less flavour – it actually seems to be the same as the covering on the caramel Kit-Kat, and defo tastes better wrapped round a biscuit! Some things are better in anticipation than in reality!!
Son was watching end of Dr Who series on i-player (he had to catch up before returning home and his 10 year old niece – our Gdau#2 – telling him what happened!), so the two of us played our National Trust for Scotland Quest game, which is supposed to teach us Sassenachs a bit more about Scotland. I won.
Started this last night (Friday evening Scotland time) in Word then couldn’t put it on – now found chat again so trying Sat morning!
Annette – glad you have found a way around your audio issues – did you yet resolve the PC printer problem?
O bother! Off it goes again!
Now Sat evening
Diane – really enjoyed reading about Afke and seeing the photos – thanks so much for the link.
Terry, as you will see above – it is not as good as I remember – Son also agrees! Had one redpoll here last year – none so far this winter – wren was quite conspicuous today.
Annette again - Son is here till tomorrow late morning – well, that’s the plan but the A66 he would take by going South then East to County Durham seems to be closed tonight, and loads of snow if he approaches the other way – East then South via Hexham – he could stay an extra day, but ought to be there Tuesday to sign on at Job Centre. Haven’t investigated the Hummer today – will save for tomorrow when I might have more time.
Now lost chat when moving to next page – what confusion!! Aha! Got it back by going a different way – from forum rather than from my page. We had a flake or three of snow during morning then quite a big thaw – but below zero tonight.
Maureen/HilaryH – sorry to hear about the new chest infection and stay in hospital – welcome back again! As you may have realised, the site has been very unreliable over about three days – we hope it will improve again after the weekend. I’m no good to advise on G Earth, but sure someone will reply to your call for help. Last news of Rothes was a surprise blog from Katie Fuller at The Lodge Monday 21st December.
Sorry all the above is so mixed up and spread over two days compiling in Word – now got to try and make it go on the page! Off to watch second half of Big Fat Quiz of 2009 recorded on HDD last night.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
About to start new chat for week starting January 3
HilaryH said: HELP.....can someone please guide me to Google Earth? I am afraid to ask but , any news on Mallachie, Rothes and my favourite wee Garten. M {: O) XXXX
HELP.....can someone please guide me to Google Earth? I am afraid to ask but , any news on Mallachie, Rothes and my favourite wee Garten.
M {: O) XXXX
Here is the link to Google Earth. You got to download it and put in the osprey link.
See http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/tracking/lochgartenospreys/googleearth.asp
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