when can we expect Osprey's at LG
Amazing how quick it happens. Even less time to the peregrines nest.
Tiger Signature
Yes indeed. Bologna seems very close now we are almost at the end of 2009
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Coundown drops below 60 days today. See http://people.rit.edu/cwcnvs/share/birds/
Less than 40 days now.
EJ will surely start moving in the next 10 days if not before.
Down to 5 weeks now. EJ must surely be on the move any day now.
It is MARCH Only about 25 days to go now.
Mind you there were no ospreys seen in Britain this year as far as I am aware.
Only 2 weeks to go now.
My countdown clock now says 7 days. Amazing.
Yes unbelievably close! There have been so many things to keep up with just recently that the time has flown by.
Wonder where EJ is now?
As EJ and all the other precious Osprey that we watch are just doing what comes natural to them they are being sent well wishes from all over the world. I wonder what they would think if they knew this.
Formerly known as Barbara Jean