So What Posters Are Missing in Action?

It is the beginning of the osprey season and as always some posters are still missing in action.

What posters are missing that you particularly enjoy hearing from?

One of my favs is Robert The Bruce.


  • thank you for posting the update Lindybird and Limpy. It was good to speak to Margobird earlier today, shame I had to cut the call short at the end due to someone at the door!!! but yes it does seem thinks are picking up for her and having treatment at home will help. Positive thoughts for her now :-D and if anybody else speaks to her before I do, tell her I say hi and hope to speak to her again sometime soon.  she has lots of friends on here!! :-)

  • How grim . But thank you for letting us all know LINDY cos I had no idea. My thoughts very much with Margo now.

  • ps next time I will post on the weekly chat thread and enquire how margobird is - apologies everyone

  • No need to apologise, Seagull - you've done nothing wrong.  You'll be most welcome on the Weekly Chat whenever you like!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you Clare :-) its just finding the time and not getting confused ;-) which is easy done :-D

  • Seagull - there is no rule about which threads are appropriate for being concerned about each other, or for enquiring as to another's well-being. You've done nothing wrong and we are all concerned for Margo.

  • Unknown said:

    How grim . But thank you for letting us all know LINDY cos I had no idea. My thoughts very much with Margo now.

    Margo has had a rotten time but we are all behind her and hoping that this treatment will result in life getting back to normal for her and her dear OH.
  • thank you Lindybird for your kind words. and I agree that we are all hoping that the treatment will result in things getting back to normal for her and her lovely OH :-)

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Whatever happened to Sheryl?  She posted quite a lot earlier in the season.

    Sorry, Clare, I've been lurking.  We've been renovating one house and selling another and I don't seem to have time to breathe these days, let alone post!!  I have been watching the cams when I can, particularly Dyfi.  It's been quite a year.  I was very sorry to read about Margo and send my best wishes to her.

    My exciting news is that my husband and I will probably be down in the eastern Algarve from November through to May so I'm hoping to take some days off to see the osprey returning next year.  We'll be going through Seville on the way down so I'll wave to Caledonia on the way.

    You've all been brilliant posting news and updates.  I'll try to make more time next season :)

  • Hi, Sheryl - I'm pleased to hear everything's all right with you.  Your news is extremely exciting - my fingers are crossed that you do see Caledonia, and perhaps even one of the boys if they also decide to give Spain a try!  Sounds like you've earned a break, anyway.  Take care.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.