Osprey Photographic hide in the making

Hi All

I am in the middle of making a photographic hide at a Little Lochan i have near Loch Garten, after watching and studying the Ospreys habits all last summer, i decided to dig out the hide over the winter months and it will be finished by this weekend, long before the Ospreys arrive back.

I am  now thinking of building a veiwing hide further back from the water, after careful study i have now decided on a spot that will allow people to see an Osprey dive and take a fish as it happens with no fear of disturbing the Ospreys while they are fishing in the early morning.

I will be taking more advice from the Osprey experts before even starting the viewing hide, but i think alot of people visiting the area would love to see what i watched all summer, to almost guarantee that you will see Ospreys dive and take fish early in the morning is something special.

If this new project goes ahead i am more than willing to make a donation to the Osprey centre, in a way i am making a donation to the Ospreys every morning in the way of fish.

Right now its just a thought but i have been watching Ospreys in the Local area for many years, and would like others to see what i see, without any disturbance to the birds,

Thanks All.
