Weekly Chat, 15 January 2012


News for This Week: Scientists can change the past!

You MUST look at this! Scientists are developing a "time cloak" that could change the past. Seriously! The "time cloak" hides an event in time, making it seem like it never actually happened. 

It's called "temporal cloaking", and it makes an event disappear by sending it into a "time hole" where the observer can't see it. It's like cutting a few frames out of a movie and splicing the film back together without them. A first demonstration of a time cloak recently took place at Cornell University, U.S. Now, that is spooky. The full explanation is HERE. You can see a video animation HERE.


The Russian spacecraft Phobos-Grunt was launched on 8 November but failed to boost itself out of Earth's orbit, and whatever remains of the big fella is expected to crash back to Earth today (Sunday). The Russian government predicts the crash time to be:

21:51 GMT
9:51 p.m. U.K.
4:51 p.m. EST U.S.
3:51 p.m. CST U.S.
1:51 p.m. PST U.S.

They believe that the fragments may fall into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. Phobus-Grunt is carrying 11 tons of very toxic propellent. Experts predict that the fuel tanks will create a massive explosion high above Earth, releasing the fuel to burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The vaporized fuel will re-condense into small particles that may remain in the upper atmosphere. The material is said to be "exotic", and it's unclear how it will continue to affect the chemistry in that region of the atmosphere.

The spacecraft was also carrying a module containing a set of live micro-organisms. The bio-module was designed to survive re-entry, and it's not clear where all the little critters will end up! I figure they'll be transformed into mutant aliens!!!!!

Everyone have a good week!!!

  • Afternoon all,

    Lynette : Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have a great day.

    Heather : I vaguely remember SCD from my time in Dundee but would not know the difference with Ceilidh dancing. I suppose you mean dances like 'Strip the willow' and the 'Eightsome Reel' are more strict than 'off the cuff' celidh dancing.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat. I have been spending some time today and yesterday looking at the kml files I received from Dr Roine Strandberg at the Lund University in Sweden. In particular 57375 seems to be a most interesting osprey.

    The weather today has been much better than yesterday when it rained all day. It has been bright,dry and windy with current temp at 8.7c.

  • Alan - Just watching 'Strip the Willow' makes me feel tired!! My OH is only just beginning to admit that the dance is too much for him, particularly the 'birling'. He takes great pride in that bit of it, he spins (or used to) very fast. I hope that these dances will always continue to be part of a real Highland/Scottish wedding. I have to admit though, that at my childrens' weddings some of my English relations looked bemused at the banging of feet and noises made by the dancers. One relative felt moved to tell me that  things were done far more delicately in England-------

  • Unknown said:

    Oh, I'm very sorry, Mary. I didn't mean to imply anything negative

    Your Alaska glacier trip sounds truly wonderful, and I'd love seeing and hearing the glaciers. That would be the trip of a lifetime!

    DIANE ~ You have absolutely nothing to apologise for, I just wanted you to know that there were large cabins available on a ship and not to let the thought of a tiny cabin put you off going to Alaska to see the Glaciers.     They are awesome to see and I am sure they announced that the Hubbard was 4 miles long, incredible to see them calving right in front of you, we thought we were quite close but because of the size we were probably a lot further away than we thought.     Dibnlib will agree with me on the thrill of seeing them calve!!!!     

  • AQ ~ What a wonderful photo of your grand daughter, she is a little beauty, that is one for the album for sure.

    OG ~ Hope you are sleeping better now, and also feeling better too.  

    Dibnlib ~ I think I will wait until Warhorse comes out on DVD as I know for sure I would make a fool of myself crying in a cinema.  Will read the book for now and no doubt it wont be long until it comes out on DVD anyway.

    Margo ~ Janet brought Muffins ashes down yesterday, they were in a little pale pink checked Urn with a brass disk on the lid with her name engraved on it, and there was a mini bouquet of flowers in the box too, it was so lovely to see it done so tastefully, she gave me some of the ashes and I had an engraved  wooden box for them, but I think I would like to get a little urn also so will see if I can get one before we bury them, I know where we will put them in front of the bird bath as when she was younger it was the area she liked to skulk in.      When I saw them that set me off again, just missing her so much.

  • I was all prepared to reply on here yesterday, then I got thrown out, couldn’t sign back in.  Asked for password reset in case I had forgotten I’d changed it (!) but still wouldn’t let me.  Then it did the same with FB and I had a virus attack warning, which it said it had caught, so I just turned off, having saved most of the below already in Word (phew, not much to re-type but I would have forgotten what I wanted to say).

    Thanks, Mary, it would be nice to think of Willow living with a Margo-like person!  When he disappeared I was thinking, well, at least we haven’t found him in pools of blood like you found poor Muffin.  We have had a two squashed cats and it’s not very nice at all.

    Annette, your family definitely have good looks genes, I’m sure it’s you, not your OH :) She looks tall like you.

    Glad you’re feeling better OG.

     Ha! Now it’s tomorrow I can say Happy Birthday to Lynette!

    Terry in Cumbria

  • The Aurora can be seen on the Aurora sky station webcam in Sweden:


  • Wow Alan, that's a gorgeous sight!

  • Just came on to catch up - we have eaten our roast pork dinner, with home grown leeks, and now have to have a pause before eating pudding! (I know we shouldnt have any, but its a very small Chri......s pudding left over from the celebrations and we decided not to have to keep it in the cupboard for 11 months)

    Mary:   Nice that your neighbour included you in the remembrance of Muffin.  How nice to put her where she liked to sit - I did the same with a favourite cat of mine who loved to sit under the blackcurrent bushes, watching the birds. (she never caught any, she was hopeless, but did bring me the occasional vole).  You will be able to remember the times when you made her so welcome in your lives.

    Heather:  The party you went to sounded great:  I love to watch the dancing, and even join in if I can do it!   I think its a real celebration if there can be some activity, in the old fashioned way I suppose they would say, now. How wonderful that someone of 92 can still join in...  they must have enjoyed themselves and also given everyone else a night to remember for  a long time.

    Well done on all those lengths, dibnlib!  How fit you must be.  We are hoping that they don't have to close the local pool for lack of funds in the present climate - it was not earning enough to pay for itself last year so expect it will be for the chop.  I do think its so important that all the youngsters learn to swim, for their health and also for self preservation reasons.  We taught our sons,  to make sure that they would never get left out in social situations which called for going into the water.

    OG:  Glad you're feeling a lot better.  We had 8 Goldies on our feeders yesterday, a record for us!  Hope its not too taxing to decipher all the wordy bits in the draft Wills.  Very sensible to get them sorted.  I despair of friends who wont get around to making theirs, they seem to think it will hasten their demise!!

    Diane:   That night in with the TV and a big bowl of hot soup sounded divine!!  We seem to be getting adverts for Netflix here, though I havent investigated whether we can get it yet. (We can get films on our cable service, we just have to pay a small fee for each one but its a very good system)  Glad that all your birds are coping with the weather OK.

    bjane:   All that snow!  Keep safe and keep warm.

    We have just watched a programme on TV about the making of a film we saw only a couple of days ago: we had recorded it over the Chris...as period ~  the Opera "Tosca"  from the Royal Opera House starring Angela Gheorghieu and Bryn Terfal.  It was excellent, and Bryn Terfal was a really horrid and believable villain.  Wonderful orchestra and beautiful singing.

    Must go and make custard now.... back tomorrow.