Weekly Chat, 15 January 2012


News for This Week: Scientists can change the past!

You MUST look at this! Scientists are developing a "time cloak" that could change the past. Seriously! The "time cloak" hides an event in time, making it seem like it never actually happened. 

It's called "temporal cloaking", and it makes an event disappear by sending it into a "time hole" where the observer can't see it. It's like cutting a few frames out of a movie and splicing the film back together without them. A first demonstration of a time cloak recently took place at Cornell University, U.S. Now, that is spooky. The full explanation is HERE. You can see a video animation HERE.


The Russian spacecraft Phobos-Grunt was launched on 8 November but failed to boost itself out of Earth's orbit, and whatever remains of the big fella is expected to crash back to Earth today (Sunday). The Russian government predicts the crash time to be:

21:51 GMT
9:51 p.m. U.K.
4:51 p.m. EST U.S.
3:51 p.m. CST U.S.
1:51 p.m. PST U.S.

They believe that the fragments may fall into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. Phobus-Grunt is carrying 11 tons of very toxic propellent. Experts predict that the fuel tanks will create a massive explosion high above Earth, releasing the fuel to burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The vaporized fuel will re-condense into small particles that may remain in the upper atmosphere. The material is said to be "exotic", and it's unclear how it will continue to affect the chemistry in that region of the atmosphere.

The spacecraft was also carrying a module containing a set of live micro-organisms. The bio-module was designed to survive re-entry, and it's not clear where all the little critters will end up! I figure they'll be transformed into mutant aliens!!!!!

Everyone have a good week!!!

  • Dibnlib - what I meant was, if J worked up to 16 hours, provided he can sign on as looking for full-time work, JSA would be paid as JSA minus his earnings plus the £5 he is allowed to keep, but travel to and within work would cost at least £5 (subject to number of sessions each week) - so he'd be worse off.  Some weeks he might do over 16 hours, would have to sign off and then sign on again when working less!  Job cente staff don't like dealing with flexible part-time hours, and get really annoyed if the signing on day has to vary due to working on the "bank" - and who can blame them?  There really ought to be a better way of calculating it, especially when dealing with professional people!  Anyway, he may not even get the job!!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG  I think anything to do with the benefits sytem is made as complicated and fiddly as poss in the hope that people will just give up and not bother to claim at all.     I came accross this some time ago when I worked 14 hours one week and 16 hours alternating. Logic you would think would average it out at 15 hours, but no, so I lost out because every 2nd week was 16 hours and couldn't claim anything at all!!!

  •  Isn't the Dunedin Osprey a handsome boy!! :-)

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Annette - A delightful pic of g-dau & Delilah. How grown up D is!!

    Mary - I think all cruise ships will be on their best behaviour over the next few months, so don't worry too much.

    OG - Good luck to J. If they made benefits simpler, they would be out of work LOL

    OG, Margo and all sick & bruised - get well soon.

    Last eve as I was watering vegie patch, a lorikeet was perched on top of the crab apple. As I turned towards him, he said "Nah, Nah, you haven't got your camera" and flew off. It would have been a great shot <sigh>

    A restful day with Dau & LittleMiss. I only helped with a bit of ironing and cut a sandwich for Dau's lunch. LM demonstated her new skill, rolling over. It was so funny, she got stuck on her underneath elbow. There she was, legs & upper arm flailing. Finally she did it. Later she got cranky and didn't know whether to smile or grizzle. Finally she went to sleep and so did Dau. Oops! and so did I. Dau kindly said she appreciated the company.
    Friday Smiles later, but this smile for now:-

  • That must be one of the best baby smiles ever!

    Going to bed early because OH and J need to get up early tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I've come on to read what I've missed - no time to reply as off to bed, shattered now. Cheered by the lovely baby smile!!

    'See you' All tomorrow...

  • You have all been busy again posting, no sooner catch up and there are two more pages to skim through.

    Annette and AQ, what lovely GGD and GD's you have - always cooing over the babies at Church.

    Unfortunately our church although Anglican is sponsored by the Church Society - very Evangelical.  The radical Evangelicals don't hold with women in the church(preaching that is) - very narrow minded of them when its supposed to be open to all. We are bound by these rules and during the last vicars stay the PCC passed a resolution not to allow women preachers or even the Archdeacon who is a woman to preach.  Its a sad day when a church reacts this way.  I just go for the choir and a little bit of the rest!!!!!!!!   Enough said on the subject don't want to cause upset with anyone.

    Sandra - lovely capture at Dunedin.

  • I agree Diane, explanation in my post.

    Dentist is NHS so not too expensive and he his quite a handsome one. I wondered why they changed hands so often, its always a new one every year, its because they are only offered a 1 year contract and most of them decide to move on.   Still while he is here I don't mind being treated by him!!!!

    Burn is starting to heal a bit more now but as you say you can't expose it to fresh air of where it is!

    Take care and have a good Friday.  The Stargazing programmes were just awesome although I didn't see last nights.  Just makes you realise what is out there - billions of stars and thousands of galaxies - what an amazing world we live in.

  • Oh, I'm very sorry, Mary. I didn't mean to imply anything negative about your lovely upcoming cruise holiday. My negative reaction to long cruises is based solely on my own claustrophobia. I seem to be getting increasingly claustrophobic as I get older. I used to ride lifts/elevators in skyscrapers daily, but now they bother me, as does air travel and the back seats of small cars!

    Anyway, I'm just a neurotic old woman who's been living in the forest too long. LOLOL!!!

    The recent cruise ship disaster is an extremely rare and abnormal occurrence resulting from the actions of just one goofy captain. I think your upcoming trip will be quite safe -- especially now because the cruise lines will be super, super careful!

    You'll be safer on your cruise ship than in a car on any major highway -- especially if I were driving. LOLOL!!!!!!!

    Your Alaska glacier trip sounds truly wonderful, and I'd love seeing and hearing the glaciers. That would be the trip of a lifetime!