Dunedin male:
Love it, Barbara ;-D I don't know if it's illusional perspective (?!) but thought it was too good to "not post".
Colourful little bird on Dunedin cam:
That's the one I saw the other day, I think it's a red-bellied woodpecker - not because I know these things, I looked it up ;-) It stayed on the perch for a long time today :-)
Mrs and Mrs both busying themselves on the windtorn nest - lots of work still to do before it will be fit for eggs.
MR D doesn't seem interested in nest restoration unless Mrs D is there LOL
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
The cam has been down for more than a day, according to my 2 lappies :-(
Oceans reach osprey cam. There are 3 eggs apparently:
Changeover at Sanibel Island:
We're very lucky to have a "nest-level" view at LG - well, I prefer it.
Camera still down at Dunedin.
camera back on at dunedin