LG Osprey GABFEST - November

October has come and gone and once again it is time to open a new thread for the Gabfest..

During October we did finish the movie WILD MOUNTAIN THYME, complete with musical score, as planned. We launched it into distribution with its own World Premier. The Stars and most of the Supporting Cast were there appropriately dressed for their glitzy walk down the red carpet. Unfortunately co-stars EJ & ODEN and family were unable to attend as they are all currently on migration to Africa.

Keith surprised us with some very interesting bird & wildlife reports direct from the Sahara Dessert and from his own equatorial Island in the Sun. His on-the-spot factual reports helped us to understand the dangers our osprey face once they complete their long hazardous journey.

Our first music night was a smashing success that left everyone eager for the second.

Then we ended the month with a wonderfully thoughtful and caring discussion of the benefits or possible harm of the tracking of osprey and other birds.

NOVEMBER will bring continued reports and DISCUSSIONS of our own “Special Three“, Tore, Bynack and Rothes who have arrived safely in Africa. We will be watching especially for news of Bynack who has been in an area that seems to be potentially dangerous. We will be watching also for updates of young Ozwold who was VERY reluctant to leave Bonnie Scotland, but is finally taking a stopover in Spain where Roy Dennis says he can safely winter. So, will Ozwold stay in Spain? or will he move south?, on his own unique time schedule? We will also be following the adventures and misadventures of other tagged osprey, including Einion who had us holding our breath while he made a huge circle over the Atlantic, his siblings from the Dyfi nest and others that may come to our attention.  All this and much more is discussed on the Gabfest.

We expect to have The Second Gabfest Music Night toward the end of the month. The theme is yet to be discussed & determined.

This is the Freedom Forum, where fun, fact and fantasy combine to make a very unique thread. So come on in and chat a while with us. Our fire is bright and the latch is always open.

  • Black jag "The Tour De France" sounds good and do you know something Wales is definately on my agenda but Florida and the sun beckoning also :)

    I must go and mean it this time

  • Not forgetting updates tomorrow on Tore, Bynack and Rothes.

    Gone to bed

  • Good night all..

    Looking forward to seeing how the three musketeers are doing tomorrow.

    Black Jag.

    All for one and one for all.


  • There is a programme on STV at 10:30 about bringing the Giant Panda's to Edinburgh.

    I am against it but it will be interesting to see views. If any of you have got Sky or Virgin and interested then they you can watch and I do not want to bring it on here but I am concerned and most definately do not want a discussion as it is not appropriate here.

  • Black Jag, about your island "elephant" a few pages back, I can easily see an elephant facing to the right side of the picture.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Mary GK, such a lovely coastline Wester Ross and something different round every bend.

    Wester Ross was my first holiday in Scotland and and it will always be special to me.

    We did the climb to Applecross on that holiday in an E-reg Bambi, Jims son called it "Spikey"

    Hi B&B ~ I am glad that the chat and photos brought back some nice memories for you, especially climbing "The Bealach Na Ba" up to Applecross translated "The Pass of the Cattle" in your Bambi, we also did that road many years ago and I had been harping on to do it again, so last September when we were at Gruinard Bay we came south to do it again, the weather was brilliant, clear blue skies, and when we got to Applecross the place was buzzing and the Inn was full of people eating food they were even serving it across the road in the garden on the shore.   Quite funny when you think of how remote the place is, but I think the programme on TV with Monty Hall a couple of years ago has brought a lot of visitors to the area.    As for the weather well we went back to Gruinard Bay at exactly the same time this year but no week of brilliant sunshine this time, you just have to take whatever the weather throws at you, we have been lucky on the West Coast and had more good than bad, only thing is when its bad its really bad Ha Ha. 

    I know what you mean about the C.C. being a bit snobby, sometimes we have had people next to us who never let on, but other times we have had a good old blether with lots of other folks, we dont bother we take it as it comes.     Some sites are friendlier than others we have had a lot more people talk to us on Bunree than Ledaig for instance.   

    Well I am glad that you have enjoyed talking about and seeing the photos B&B, I will try and curb my enthusiasm for posting photographs of the places you talk off and let you all get back to your normal gabfest.

    Take Care Everyone!!!  Its still blowing a gale here...

  • It's blowing a gale here today, but it feels weird as it's 12 degrees,

    Here is the link to the news on our Ospreys,


    Good to hear news of all 3 still.

  •      Our Three Musketeers are doing fine.  Thanks for the clue-in, Sugar.  I had just checked, but as usual, I managed to check just BEFORE the update.  All is well with our Special Three and that is news that is good to hear.

        Here in the Spradlin household I have good news & bad news.  My kitchen equipment is wearing out and I NEED a new kitchen stove (cooker??). dishwasher, & refrigerater. Good news, financially no problem.  I have already done preliminary shopping, but bad news I now have to get down to serious shopping, decision making, coordinating delivery with plumbers & installation, etc. More bad news, this will be time consuming which will keep me away from The Gabfest, but good news I will definitely be checking in regularly.  

       Last evening I thought I had really bad news - that my frig was dead & That I had to deal with a real emergency, but this morning good news the frig is fine - so no emergencies yet.  But as you can see I must get on with this project.

        In addition to this necessary project I really WANT a new counter top & sink.  I guess whether or not I feel I can afford it depends on how much I have to pay for the necessities. So up & at it!  This will keep me busy during this winter lull in LG osprey watching (good news?)

  • JUNE ~

    Your side of the pond = FRIG

    This side of the pond = FRIDGE


    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • I wonder, Chris!  Now I'm thinking I probably just mispelled it.  .