LG Osprey GABFEST - November

October has come and gone and once again it is time to open a new thread for the Gabfest..

During October we did finish the movie WILD MOUNTAIN THYME, complete with musical score, as planned. We launched it into distribution with its own World Premier. The Stars and most of the Supporting Cast were there appropriately dressed for their glitzy walk down the red carpet. Unfortunately co-stars EJ & ODEN and family were unable to attend as they are all currently on migration to Africa.

Keith surprised us with some very interesting bird & wildlife reports direct from the Sahara Dessert and from his own equatorial Island in the Sun. His on-the-spot factual reports helped us to understand the dangers our osprey face once they complete their long hazardous journey.

Our first music night was a smashing success that left everyone eager for the second.

Then we ended the month with a wonderfully thoughtful and caring discussion of the benefits or possible harm of the tracking of osprey and other birds.

NOVEMBER will bring continued reports and DISCUSSIONS of our own “Special Three“, Tore, Bynack and Rothes who have arrived safely in Africa. We will be watching especially for news of Bynack who has been in an area that seems to be potentially dangerous. We will be watching also for updates of young Ozwold who was VERY reluctant to leave Bonnie Scotland, but is finally taking a stopover in Spain where Roy Dennis says he can safely winter. So, will Ozwold stay in Spain? or will he move south?, on his own unique time schedule? We will also be following the adventures and misadventures of other tagged osprey, including Einion who had us holding our breath while he made a huge circle over the Atlantic, his siblings from the Dyfi nest and others that may come to our attention.  All this and much more is discussed on the Gabfest.

We expect to have The Second Gabfest Music Night toward the end of the month. The theme is yet to be discussed & determined.

This is the Freedom Forum, where fun, fact and fantasy combine to make a very unique thread. So come on in and chat a while with us. Our fire is bright and the latch is always open.

  • Brilliant June... lol

    B&B I've a friend that tows a caravan.. some of the jams he's been in on our single track roads are scary...

    He told me once of a log lorry and him coming face to face.. the driver of the lorry got out of the cab, took a walk along the verge, got back in the lorry and just pulled off the road to pass. In doing so he wiped out 300 yards of fencing... but off the both went on their way.

    Give me my bike any day lol

    All for one and one for all.


  • B&B, Torquay and area is lovely Cockington village with the thatched roofs.

    Glen Affric looks nice.

  • not the best but anyone well worth a visit


    Glen Affric was nice, but I just had a quick visit to Antartica & found some penguins.  I LOVE penguins!! They are just so beautiful, so cute, so funny & just absolutely adorable.

  • The internet is amazing... There's June zipping off to view penguins, me looking for cockington & Lowry heading into Glen Affric..

    All for one and one for all.


  • June I have to smile and there was absolutely no-way to pass and ok extreme lol.

    June a  lovely story and sounds like here as Jim will not plan and just wants to drive and see where we turn up. Sometimes it is good and it was with the little Bambi and I miss that as the charm as gone away with a motorhome. I love your story and Cec your Dad and you and Mom going for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. Smiles at private drives and we all have those absolutely special memories. I can just see you driving on private land :) as you said your mom said, lets see what turns up :) wonderful June

    I had no choice with the cottage gates as no-one was going anywhere lol

  • You are right black jag we can visit all these places,brilliant (and no packing)

  • June I know what you say about penguins and on the "frozen planet" the male Emporer Penguins starved the whole winter and huddled together until the females came back and to see them passing the babies and some had not survived was amazing. So sad was that some that had lost their young wanted to adopt a baby and the fight and trampling was scary. Wildlife is fascinating and not always nice to see. The frozen planet is a fascinating series to see. When I saw the freeze from above had gone to the ocean floor was unbelievable and the filming of that was unbelievable.

    A wonderful programme and fascinating

  • Going to leave now,night everyone.

  • It was that B&B  fascinating..I loved it and will get it on disc at Christmas if it appears.


    You all may recall I was asked about Dumbarton Rock a few weeks back and the town crest being an Elephant and Castle.

    It's a bit rough but use your imagination.. a giant elephant in the mist with a castle on it's back!

    All for one and one for all.


  • Black Jag, I think we understand one another.  I was amused at how thrilled you were that Keith & I might actually meet.  Just the possibility is amazing, isn't it? To me, to be talking with all you wonderful people all the way across an ocean and learning about your countries and travels and likes & dislikes (we even think we know when one another should be in bed getting needed sleep) is just unbelievably awesome and inspiring!  Then to share music and scenery and the flights of our raison d"etre, is fantastic.  Unbelievable, the wonders of modern science.