Hi all:
Lindybird: I responded to your post at the end of the last Weekly Chat.
Oh Diane, your avatar is so wonderful but look at what "R. O. Bierregaard, Jr." said in his latest blog :(
In my last email, I forgot to mention that we had lost the signal from Hix, our Westport River juvenile, about 3 weeks ago. Two days ago we got a signal from the transmitter, which meant that it somehow turned over and the battery was recharged. I hopped on a plane, directional antenna and receiver in my carry-on bag, and drove from the Portland Airport up to Webb Lake, where we found the transmitter and the remains of Hix. My OCSI (Ornithological Crime Scene Investigation) points pretty convincingly to Great-horned Owl predation.
Oh well, all raptors are marvellous
Just watching some great fallow deer action in the New Forest.
Stags on New Forrest website as we speak :o)
Just been watching stag with harem of 6 hinds. Excellent viewing and with sound too.
Me too Alan. A little while ago the camera quit on me but your comment arriving via auto email has cause me to re-open the vid cam again. Thanks, Frisky hinds !!
Thanks for that link Cirrus. Incredible but poor Hix
Am also watching the deer. Poor guy, that's all I'll say!
One would think the Stag would be hoarse and voiceless by now !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown said: OG: What's the link with Dundee and journalism?
OG: What's the link with Dundee and journalism?
D C Thomson - famous publishers of newspapers, magazines, "comics" etc for several generations.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Annette: Sorry I repeated stuff about DC Thomson etc - I had seen the question but hadn't reached the other replies.
I am sure Alan knows much more than I about Dundee, having lived there himself. I have only ever visited for one day from a holiday in Perth, and that was on holiday from England - only lived in SW Scotland for last six years. But I do pick up all sorts of serendipidous (is that the adjectival form of serendipidy?) information - my head is full of unrelated facts which can sometimes answer people's questions!
I know others have given answers, but did the original questioner find my answer about the "merse"? I had also mentioned that here in Annan it is written as "Meuse" on the maps.
Afternoon (5.30 pm here) all! Cirrus: thank`s for your kind words and "cream crackers" :) I think that the main reason for finnish peoples (especially young ones) english skills is that we have a LOT UK & US stuff in TV, and they are not dubbed in finnish but have subtitles so we hear a lot english here. Problem is (at least for me) spelling.
Gary: my car got it`s winter tyres today.... ;)
And I think it`s quite funny that I used to hate leaf blowers, but nowadays when I hear one (or two) it just brings a smile to my face....
my photos in flickr